Demetrius Trussell

3 people named Demetrius Trussell found in Mississippi, Florida and 9 other states.

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Demetrius L Trussell Sr., Age 45

Resides in Jacksonville, AR
Lived In Meridian MS, North Little Rock AR, Laurel Hill FL, Crestview FL Related To Frank Trussell, Stephanie Trussell, Demario Trussell, Jessica Trussell, Anansa Thompson Also known as Demetrius Latray Trussell Sr., Demetrius M Trussell, Demetrius C Trussell, Demarkus Trussell, Demeteris Trussell Includes Address(27) Phone(14) Email(9)

Demetrious Trussell, Age 42

Resides in Marion, MS
Lived In Jacksonville FL, Meridian MS, Cramerton NC Related To Shelia Trussell, Sheila Trussell, Robert Trussell Also known as Demetrius D Trussell Includes Address(5) Phone(2) Email(1)

Jesse K Moore, Age 77

Resides in Lexington, KY
Lived In Frankfort KY, Marion MS, Morgantown WV, Chickasha OK Related To Lisa Moore, Brenda Moore, Iessha Moore, Mary Moore, Kenyari Moore Also known as Demetrius D Trussell Includes Address(8) Phone(7) Email(10)

Demographic Info for Demetrius Trussell

Statistics based on US Census data for all 3 people with this name.

37 yrs
100% are in their 30s, while the average age is 37.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $25k.
50% of these people are married, and 50% are single.