Edgerly Rd, Boston, MA


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15 Edgerly Rd Boston, MA 02115
14,288 sqft Commercial Office/Residential (Mixed Use) Built in 1920
286 residents
25 Edgerly Rd Boston, MA 02115
12,824 sqft Commercial Office/Residential (Mixed Use) Built in 1920
206 residents
28 Edgerly Rd Boston, MA 02115
4,277 sqft Built in 1890
55 residents
30 Edgerly Rd Boston, MA 02115
5,692 sqft Built in 1899
84 residents
32 Edgerly Rd Boston, MA 02115
6 Beds / 4 Baths 2,724 sqft Apartments (Generic) Built in 1899
89 residents
33 Edgerly Rd Boston, MA 02115
10,468 sqft Commercial Office/Residential (Mixed Use) Built in 1920
182 residents
34 Edgerly Rd Boston, MA 02115
4,147 sqft Built in 1899
93 residents
36 Edgerly Rd Boston, MA 02115
3,882 sqft Built in 1900
32 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Boston, MA
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $63,621.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $495,400.00.
32.1 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 32.1.