Lived In Ormond Beach FL, Cleveland OH, Long Lake WI, Daytona Beach FL
Related To James PuckettAlso known as Janet P Puckett, Janet R Puckett, Jermain D Melton, Dennis Wayne Hooker, Janet J Puckett, Jermaine D MeltonIncludes Address(21) Phone(15)
Lived In Cleveland OH, Daytona Beach FL, Kenosha WI, Long Lake WI
Related To Dennis Hooker, Michelle Hooker, Linda Hooker, Connie HookerAlso known as Dennis W Hooker II, Janet R Puckett, Jermain D Melton, Dennis Wayne Hooker, Dennis Hooker-Ii, Janet J Puckett, Janet P Puckett, Jermaine D Melton, Dennis C HookerIncludes Address(28) Phone(27) Email(20)
Demographic Info for Jermaine Puckett
Statistics based on US Census data for all 4 people with this name.
57 yrs
50% are in their 40s, while the average age is 57.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $162k.