Kirtley Smith

6 people named Kirtley Smith found in Florida, Texas and 8 other states.

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Kirtley Carol Smith, Age 85

Resides in Dallas, TX
Related To Avery Smith, Joel Smith, Louise Mathis, Julien Zale, Denise Smith Also known as Kirtley Carroll Smith, Kirtley C Mith, Kirtley Denise N Smith, Smith Kirtley Includes Address(8) Phone(14) Email(6)

Kirtley B Smith Jr., Age 67

Resides in Post Falls, ID
Lived In Coeur D Alene ID, San Diego CA, Hayden ID, Lewiston ID Related To Paige Smith, Denise Page, S Smith, Susan Lindroth Also known as Smith Kirtley Jr., Kirtley Paige D Smith, Kirtley Susan E Smith Includes Address(13) Phone(15) Email(7)

Kirtley C Smith, Age 80

Resides in Dallas, TX
Related To Julien Zale, Timothy Smith, Anthony Smith, Denise Smith, Louise Mathis Also known as Smith Kirtley Includes Address(1) Phone(2) Email(1)

Kirtley H Smith, Age 82 (Deceased)

Resided in Palmetto, FL
Lived In Owenton KY, Madison IN Related To Richard Smith, Susan Burress, Ray Smith, Harriett Smith, Veneda Smith Also known as Smith Kirtley Includes Address(11) Phone(7)

Deborah Kirtley Smith, Age 67

Resides in Campbellsville, KY
Related To Michael Smith Also known as Kirtley Smith D, Debra A Smith, Deborah A Kirtley, Kirtley D Smith Includes Address(7) Phone(6) Email(1)

Bonnie Gay Smith, Age 69

Resides in Vero Beach, FL
Lived In Sebastian FL, Palm Bay FL, Kealakekua HI, Austell GA Related To Melissa Smith, Gary Smith, Kinnie Henderson, Christine Smith, Trevin Feickert Also known as Bonnie Kirtley Smith, Bonnie Smith Kirtley, Kirtley B Smith, Smith Bonnie Includes Address(22) Phone(18) Email(15)

Demographic Info for Kirtley Smith

Statistics based on US Census data for all 6 people with this name.

64 yrs
33% are in their 60s, while the average age is 64.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $39k.
14% of these people are married, and 86% are single.