Kristin Barrett in Eugene, OR

Kristin Barrett may also have lived outside of Eugene, such as Albany, Coos Bay and 2 other cities in Oregon.

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Kristin B Barrett, Age 65

Resides in Eugene, OR
Includes Address(1) Phone(1)

Kristin Brianne Barrett, Age 36

Resides in Eugene, OR
Lived In Northfield MN, Cottage Grove OR, Grand Rapids MI, Coos Bay OR Related To Brian Probert, Linda Probert Also known as Kristin B Probert Includes Address(19) Phone(7) Email(4)

Robert L Barrett Jr., Age 38

Resides in Eugene, OR
Lived In Cottage Grove OR, Coos Bay OR, Grand Rapids MI, Northfield MN Related To Ronda Barrett, Natalie Barrett, Timothy Barrett Also known as Robert Lawerence Barrett, Robert L Probert, Kristin Barrett Includes Address(25) Phone(7) Email(4)