Lucinda Armitage

5 people named Lucinda Armitage found in South Dakota, North Carolina and New York.

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Lucinda B Armitage, Age 86

Resides in Milbank, SD
Also known as Lucy Armitage Includes Address(4) Phone(1) Email(3)

Lucy B Armitage, Age 86

Resides in Milbank, SD
Also known as Lucinda Armitage Includes Address(1) Phone(1) Email(3)

Lucy Armitage, Age 43

Resides in Reidsville, NC
Related To Beth Armitage, Thomas Armitage Includes Address(1) Phone(1)

Lucy M Armitage, Age 31

Resides in North Tonawanda, NY
Lived In Newfane NY, Buffalo NY, Tonawanda NY Related To Leroy Armitage, Connie Armitage, Matthew Armitage, Michael Armitage Includes Address(4) Phone(4) Email(1)

Lisa M Ward, Age 44

Resides in Marietta, GA
Lived In Mableton GA, Kennesaw GA, Athens GA, Dayton OH Related To Julie Gieger, Susan Cunningham, Vincent Cunningham, Dana Anderson, Josephine Cunningham Also known as Lisa M Cunningham, Callie Elliott, Erin Armitage, Lucy Ward Includes Address(10) Phone(10) Email(2)

Business Records for Lucinda Armitage

Known business associations for people with this name include:

  • Lucinda Armitage
    • Title: Account Manager
    • Company: Aspectus Pr

Demographic Info for Lucinda Armitage

Statistics based on US Census data for all 5 people with this name.

79 yrs
100% are in their 70s, while the average age is 79.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $35k.
0% of these people are married, and 100% are single.