Marguerite Mattson

6 people named Marguerite Mattson found in California, Connecticut and 6 other states.

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Marguerite M Mattson, Age 84 (Deceased)

Resided in Staten Island, NY
Related To Elizabeth Mattson Also known as M Marguerite Mattson Includes Address(3) Phone(3) Email(1)

Marguerite L Mattson, Age 100+ (Possibly Deceased)

Resides in Foresthill, CA
Includes Address(1)

Marguerite K Mattson, Age 80

Resides in Reno, NV
Lived In Honolulu HI, Lovelock NV Also known as Marguerite Kuhilani Mattson Includes Address(9) Phone(2) Email(1)

Marguerite Bowen Mattison, Age 79

Resides in South Lyme, CT
Lived In Old Lyme CT, Grand Rapids MI, Niantic CT, Cambridge MA Related To John Mattison, Rodney Mattison, Hilary Mattison, James Mattison, J Mattison Also known as Marguerite R Mattison, Marguerite Mattson, Rod Mattison Includes Address(15) Phone(3) Email(2)

Mark E Mattsson Sr., Age 65

Resides in Brick, NJ
Lived In Moonachie NJ, Staten Island NY, New York NY, North Plainfield NJ Related To Judy Mattsson, Arne Mattsson, Michael Mattsson, Mark Mattsson, Kathryn Mattsson Also known as Marguerite E Mattsson, Mark E Mattson Sr., Mark S Mattsson, Marguerite J Mattsson Includes Address(10) Phone(12) Email(15)

Demographic Info for Marguerite Mattson

Statistics based on US Census data for all 6 people with this name.

83 yrs
43% are in their 70s, while the average age is 83.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $70k.
40% of these people are married, and 60% are single.