Maxwell St, Chicago, IL


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708 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
Exempt (Full or Partial)
2 residents
714 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
Retail Stores (Personal Services, Photography, Travel)
5 residents
715 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
Exempt (Full or Partial)
3 residents
716 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
3,900 sqft Governmental / Public Use (General) Built in 1904
21 residents
717 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
8,800 sqft Exempt (Full or Partial) Built in 1889
17 residents
719 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
200 sqft Governmental / Public Use (General)
1 resident
724 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
Exempt (Full or Partial)
41 residents
727 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
Exempt (Full or Partial)
10 residents
728 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
Retail Stores (Personal Services, Photography, Travel)
3 residents
729 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
27,000 sqft Exempt (Full or Partial) Built in 1930
2 residents
730 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
2,200 sqft Governmental / Public Use (General) Built in 1899
4 residents
731 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
Retail Stores (Personal Services, Photography, Travel)
5 residents
733 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60607
Retail Stores (Personal Services, Photography, Travel)
2 residents
943 W Maxwell St Chicago, IL 60608
Exempt (Full or Partial)
24 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Chicago, IL
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $53,006.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $243,900.00.
34.4 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 34.4.