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North Carolina
S Lincoln Ct
S Lincoln Ct, Wilmington, NC
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N Lincoln Ct
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1 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
10 residents
2 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
4 residents
3 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
4 residents
5 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
9 residents
9 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
10 residents
10 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
3 residents
11 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
3 residents
12 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
4 residents
13 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
6 residents
14 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
8 residents
1021 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
3 residents
1023 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
6 residents
1025 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
9 residents
1027 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
9 residents
1029 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
2 residents
1031 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
5 residents
1033 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
10 residents
1035 S Lincoln Ct Wilmington, NC 28401
10 residents
Neighborhood Statistics
Average neighborhood statistics for Wilmington, NC
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $38,800.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $236,300.00.
35.7 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 35.7.
Did You Mean
6 possible location matches based on your search
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