South St, New York, NY


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1 South St New York, NY 10004
123,800 sqft Office Building Built in 1960
45 residents
4 South St New York, NY 10004
280,000 sqft Transportation (Air, Rail, Bus) Built in 1908
23 residents
10 South St New York, NY 10004
158,197 sqft Transportation (Air, Rail, Bus) Built in 1900
42 residents
42 South St New York, NY 10005
111,125 sqft Marina, Boat Slips, Yacht Club, Boat Landing Built in 1963
10 residents
80 South St New York, NY 10038
43,818 sqft Office Building Built in 1950
18 residents
85 South St New York, NY 10038
52,005 sqft Apartment House (5+ Units) Built in 1900
94 residents
89 South St New York, NY 10038
125,500 sqft Store, Retail Outlet Built in 1980
105 residents
95 South St New York, NY 10038
242,074 sqft Department Store (Multi-Story) Built in 1985
6 residents
107 South St New York, NY 10038
8,283 sqft Commercial Miscellaneous Built in 1900
9 residents
108 South St New York, NY 10038
6,251 sqft Commercial Miscellaneous Built in 1940
10 residents
109 South St New York, NY 10038
4,772 sqft Commercial Miscellaneous Built in 1900
11 residents
110 South St New York, NY 10038
2,535 sqft Commercial Miscellaneous Built in 1900
8 residents
111 South St New York, NY 10038
4,133 sqft Commercial Miscellaneous Built in 1900
25 residents
113 South St New York, NY 10038
4,420 sqft Commercial Miscellaneous Built in 1900
4 residents
115 South St New York, NY 10038
13,119 sqft Apartment House (5+ Units) Built in 1900
31 residents
119 South St New York, NY 10038
14,053 sqft Apartment House (5+ Units) Built in 1900
3 residents
160 South St New York, NY 10038
6,560 sqft Commercial Miscellaneous Built in 1920
11 residents
220 South St, Apt New York, NY 10002
274,752 sqft Warehouse, Storage Built in 1927
10 residents
286 South St New York, NY 10002
277,260 sqft Apartment House (5+ Units) Built in 1975
384 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for New York, NY
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $58,856.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $569,700.00.
36.2 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 36.2.

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