Spiro Kafarakis

2 people named Spiro Kafarakis found in California, Colorado and 5 other states.

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Spiro M Kafarakis, Age 64

Resides in Venice, CA
Includes Address(1) Email(1)

Spiro Menelaos Kafarakis, Age 64

Resides in Long Beach, CA
Lived In Palm Springs CA, Silver Spring MD, Los Angeles CA, Venice CA Includes Address(43) Phone(12) Email(11)

Business Records for Spiro Kafarakis

Known business associations for people with this name include:

  • Spiro Kafarakis
    • Title: Project Manager
    • Company: Kaiser Permanente
  • Spiro Kafarakis
    • Title: Meetings
    • Company: Microsoft
  • Spiro Kafarakis
    • Title: Account Director-Digital Marketing Ux
    • Company: Aquent

Demographic Info for Spiro Kafarakis

Statistics based on US Census data for all 2 people with this name.

58 yrs
100% are in their 50s, while the average age is 58.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $45k.
0% of these people are married, and 100% are single.